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FAQ Linguists Orders - Writing and Editing


​What is the difference between absolute and relative keyword density?

Monday, March 29, 2021 2:32 PM

Keyword density checks how often a specific word occurs in a text:

  • Absolute keyword density 
    • you have to use the given keywords according to the minimum and maximum range set in the briefing
    • it does not change depending on the total word-count of a text

  • Relative keyword density 
    • refers to the number of keywords as a percentage of the total word-count of a text
    • while you write your text, the number of keywords required to submit the text will change. This is due to the fact that our system calculates the exact amount of keywords needed (rounded up) based on the total amount of words you have already written. Consequently, the more you write, the more keywords you will need to include in the text.